About Us
In detail
Our Group of Advertisers is not what you have been used to. Our name GrAd also stands for gradually. To be more specific with that symbolism, we all believe that success is something that comes gradually and over time. That is to say, we are no experts ourselves but we constantly learn and grow through our collaborations with our clients. We might have already mentioned that but we really do believe that any idea is worth its own shot. So we convert that idea to an opportunity which we offer to both small and large scale companies by providing them our advertising services. Nowadays, the area of marketing and advertisement has become huge, in fact almost limitless. That is why we try to focus on a the most important parts. Specifically, our services promise: quality content, innovative design, strong pr relations and unique illustrations.

Core values
Some of them are:

Reliability and

Our 6th and last value, is a business acronym that, results from the previous ones and is known as CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

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Now that you know a few things about GrAd...

Let's get personal!

GrAd's company members are a bunch of ambitious, passionate and workaholic young adults.

Αλέξανδρος Κασφίκης

Content Researcher

I am studying at Panteion University at the Department of Communication Media and Culture and I aspire to be a journalist, but I am also partially interested in politics and the Law. I can speak three languages – Greek, English and Norwegian. I am quite optimistic and I don’t give up easily when it comes to important matters, while also trying to be as fair and creative as I can. Moreover I enjoy playing video games which have really helped me to perfect my English

Lisa Bretagne

Illustrator & Photographer

I am currently studying Political Sciences at Panteion University. I speak english, french and a little bit of spanish. I like to think of myself as a creative and dynamic partner. My best friend is definitely my camera which I am always taking with me for attending events of any kind. I am currently working on the launching of a virtual exhibition about Marine Conservation. I am looking forward to working as a team in order to turn the spotlights on innovative projects and organizations.

Χριστίνα Βασιλάκη

Designer & Scheduling

(Author of the website)

I am a student in Panteion University at the same department as Alex. I speak Greek, English and a little bit of Japanese as I am a great admirer of Asian culture in general. As far as I can remember myself I was always creative and perfectionist with whatever I did. I spend my time playing either with my cats or the drums or video games. Most of the times you will find me in front of a laptop screen as my passion is game developing and game design but I am always up for challenges and willing to step out of my comfort zone.

Ondrej Obergruber

Pr Manager

I graduated from Czech language and literature. In the past, I worked as social media manager, PR manager in the European parliament, copywriter, journalist and Uber driver. Therefore, I have a really diverse range of experience and skills. I can work with a lot of social media, I understand how the algorithms work and what to do to beat them. My other skills? Communication with people, getting things done, paying attention to details and working conceptually.

Γλυκερία Πάντη

Director of Social Media Relations

Alex and Christina are my classmates-colleagues at Panteion University. I can speak Greek, English and a little bit of French. I am a people-person and I like making new friends. I love animals and especially dogs! Music makes my life easier. I am curious and hyperanalitic. I always try to find the best solution. When I work in a team I try to create a positive atmosphere and be cooperative! My motto in life? "If anything is worth doing , it's worth overdoing!

We all go by this name too
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